1. News -

    Do you or a loved one need help with social care? Read the article below and find out answers to key questions about who can access adult social care and how to pay for it.
  2. Report -

    IN 2016, Hounslow CCG and the London Borough of Hounslow asked Healthwatch Hounslow to undertake a report on the Personal Care Framework (PCF) with the original objective being to evaluate how successfully the PCF has been implemented in the borough.
  3. Report -

    An evaluative review of the community recovery service and Integrated Community Response Service in Hounslow by Healthwatch Hounslow in 2016.
  4. Report -

    The purpose of this evaluative survey is to review the impact of the Personal Care Framework (PCF) being embedded in the service and care provision among providers and how this has been received by care users and their representatives.
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    Healthwatch Ealing and Healthwatch Hounslow were commissioned by NHS England to undertake a piece of research into the Integrated Care System regarding how women with multiple long-term health conditions, including a cardiovascular condition were supported by local services.
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    Healthwatch Ealing and Healthwatch Hounslow produced a Health and Care Experience profile about a woman with multiple health conditions, including recent experience of care for a cardiovascular condition.
  7. Report -

    Hounslow Clinical Commissioning Group (HCCG) has commissioned Healthwatch Hounslow to organise and help facilitate several workshops throughout the year. Each workshop will focus on a specific strategic priority of the HCCG.
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    Your Voice in Health & Social Care (YVHSC) is working in partnership with Medequip to improve the quality of daily living for thousands of people using mobility equipment and aids.
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    Hounslow Clinical Commissioning Group (HCCG) has commissioned Healthwatch Hounslow to organise and help facilitate several workshops throughout the year. Each workshop will focus on a specific strategic priority of the HCCG.
  10. Report -

    Hounslow Clinical Commissioning Group (HCCG) has commissioned Healthwatch Hounslow to organise and help facilitate several workshops throughout the year. Each workshop will focus on a specific strategic priority of the HCCG.
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    Harrow Carers are promoting a new service to Hounslow to unpaid carers where their target group is over 65. However, they can take referrals under this age.

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    Rethink Mental Illness have been given over £230k to fund projects in North West London that aid mental health or aim to prevent suicides and approximately £27k of that is set aside to spend on projects in Hounslow. Rethink welcome collaborations and multi-borough applications as well as smaller neighbourhood-based initiatives.
  13. Report -

    Bristol Court is a purpose-built extra care housing scheme with 94 beds, where residents have their own self-contained flat and front door with personal care and support services available (depending on their care package). On 11th October 2022 we visited the housing scheme and spoke to residents, family and staff following a previous visit in July 2021.
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    Falls are a common and serious health issue for older people, with around a third of all people aged 65 and over falling each year, increasing to half of those aged 80 and over.
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    We are recruiting for an Operations and Research Manager (Maternity cover) to deliver all aspects of the Healthwatch Hounslow service in line with statutory duties, service specification, agreed KPIs and the YVHSC model of delivery.
  16. News -

    Building on previous engagement, local residents are being given the opportunity to review and respond to the proposed new model of care for community-based specialist palliative care for adults in NW London.
  17. Report -

    Optima Care, New Heston Road, is a 5 bedded detached house supported living accommodation/service for individuals with complex learning disabilities and/or autism. On 25th July 2023 the visit was conducted by one Healthwatch Hounslow Lead Authorised Representative.
  18. Advice and Information -

    Our new report, "The Public’s Perspective: The State of Health and Social Care", takes a step back from the media headlines and NHS data.
  19. News -

    Calling Hounslow’s over 60s.
    It’s your chance to shine thanks to a series of fun fitness activities tailored just to you.
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    At StayActive4Life we believe that everybody deserves the help and support to live a more active and healthy life.
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    At StayActive4Life we believe that everybody deserves the help and support to live a more active and healthy life.
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    At StayActive4Life we believe that everybody deserves the help and support to live a more active and healthy life.
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    At StayActive4Life we believe that everybody deserves the help and support to live a more active and healthy life.
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    At StayActive4Life we believe that everybody deserves the help and support to live a more active and healthy life.
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    At StayActive4Life we believe that everybody deserves the help and support to live a more active and healthy life.
  26. Report -

    Atfield House in Isleworth provides a range of accommodation and services for older people in need of support, from respite care to 24-hour residential care to intermediate care.
    On 30th October 2023, the visit was conducted by a team of Healthwatch Hounslow Authorised Representatives.
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    Reliant Care, Whitton Road, provides supported housing and rehabilitation services for vulnerable adults who have mental illness, are trying to recover from substance abuse or alcohol misuse and who have learning disabilities.

    On 29th February 2024, a visit was conducted by a team of Healthwatch Hounslow Authorised Representatives
  28. Report -

    Healthwatch conducted focus group discussions with local residents to understand their perspectives and experiences of falls prevention services in the borough.
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    The Grosvenor House is a residential care home for young adults with severe learning and physical disabilities. It's a six bedroom detached house purposely built for the care of young adults with severe learning and physical disabilities and complex needs.
  30. News -

    Five things you should expect from home care, domiciliary care or help in the home.