Carers - save the date and know your rights

Hounslow’s army of unpaid carers will take centre stage on Thursday, 24 November as the borough recognises their dedication to those who need their help.

Carers Rights Day is an annual event that raises awareness about the rights of people who look after loved ones, friends or neighbours – known as unpaid carers.

The day is organised by the national charity, Carers UK and the theme is Caring Costs.

It looks at the impact that caring for someone has on carers, in terms of their health and well-being, their relationships and the financial costs of caring for someone. 

Hounslow Council and its partners are planning a number of events to support carers on the day, including a Carers Rights Day Marketplace at Hounslow House, from 10am to 1pm.

This drop-in session will be a chance for anyone who cares for an adult or a child to meet with a number of services under one roof and find out what support is on offer. 

To find out more about what support is available for carers in Hounslow, click on the link below:

Support for carers