The London Clinical Senate is seeking patients, carers and members of the public to join its Patient and Public Voice (PPV) Group

The London Clinical Senate is seeking patients, carers and members of the public to join its Patient and Public Voice (PPV) Group.

For more information about the London Clinical Senate, please see our website:

The closing date for application is 25th June 2023.

Would you like to help improve health and care services at a London level?
Do you have a good knowledge of the healthcare needs and experiences of your local communities or networks?
Could you present these views and offer constructive advice and feedback to senior doctors, nurses and other health and care professionals in a group environment?

The London Clinical Senate supports the development of London’s health and care services and the delivery of high quality, sustainable and cost-effective care.
The Clinical Senate provides independent advice to commissioners about possible health and care service changes, supporting them to make the best decisions about healthcare for their populations.

The role of the London Clinical Senate’s PPV group is to act as the ‘voice’ of patients, carers and the public, so that the advice which the London Clinical Senate provides is informed by their views to make a positive difference in the way that people experience healthcare.

We are looking for more patients, carers and members of the public to join our PPV group.
We welcome applications from a wide range of backgrounds as we are keen to ensure that the group reflects the diversity of Londoners.

We hope you will be interested in this voluntary role to help improve services.
Induction, training, development and help from existing members will be provided.

If you would like to apply to become a PPV member, please see the application information pack for more details about the role and how to apply.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss the role further, please contact Gillian Foreshew, London Clinical Senate Project Manager via:

The closing date for applications is 23:59 on 25/06/23 and interviews will be held for shortlisted 
candidates on 07/07/23.


 Please find the PPV application information pack and the application form to download

File download
PPV Application Form
PPV Application Form