North West London residents invited to give their views on future model of care for community-based specialist palliative care

We're continuing from our previous engagement and inviting local residents to take a closer look at the proposed new model of care for community-based specialist palliative care for adults in NW London
Over the past year, a dedicated collaborative model of care working group, including NW London residents, clinicians, NHS providers, and charitable hospices, have co-produced this new model of care, which is centred on ensuring improved access to high-quality services, addressing the needs of our community.
Your active participation will be vital in reviewing and providing feedback on this proposed NW London model of care for adult community-based specialist palliative care. To find out more, please explore this link- proposed new model of care for adult community-based specialist palliative care - where you will find the full new model of care proposal, summary document , a one page infographic, supporting information, the forthcoming engagement events and a simple feedback survey (which are also highlighted below). There is also further supporting information about the programme of work here
Online Engagement Events:
- September 5th: Register here
- September 6th: Register here
- September 7th: Register here
Feedback Survey: To share your thoughts, please complete our simple online feedback survey by clicking here.
Your engagement, insights, and voice are essential in ensuring the success of improving adult community-based specialist palliative care in NW London.