Strength & Balance Classes - Holy Trinity Church in Hounslow on Thursdays
Our approach is all about maintaining independence, building confidence, making friends and above all… having fun!
To stay fit, healthy and active for longer we can help you to:
- Strengthen your muscles and become more flexible
- Increase your balance so that you feel steady on your feet and reduce your risk of falls
Over the past few years my team and I have helped thousands of people to improve their balance and would love to help you too.
How can I join a class?
If you want to positively influence your health and wellbeing, then our trained instructors are ready to get you started with a great variety of enjoyable physical activities benefit your health.
You can either contact StayActive4Life to self-refer or speak to a health professional (GP, physiotherapist or Social Prescriber) for a referral.
All referrals should be sent to:
Where are the classes delivered?
All the classes are held within easy access community venues. Please contact us for our latest list of classes and current prices.
For your local Strength & Balance Programme please contact us.