Hospital Discharge Report - September 2017

In August/September 2017, Healthwatch Hounslow (HWH) carried out a patient survey to find out the experience of some patient, who after spending some time as an in-patient in hospital, had been
discharged from hospital.

The aim of our survey was to gather the hospital discharge (HD) experience of local patients to enable us to understand the quality of their HD. The Hounslow-based West Middlesex University Hospital (WMUH), run by the Westminster and Chelsea Hospital Trust, was the focus of our study.

The objective of our survey was to asses HD from WMUH from the perspective of users/carers and service providers and to identify good practices, service gaps as well as areas for improving HD for local patients. We received feedback on HD from WMUH regarding 20 local patients in Hounslow. We obtained our feedback either directly from patients or indirectly through their family/carer.


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Hospital Discharge Report - September 2017

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