Cancer Screening Awareness: Question and Answer Virtual Event - August 2021 Report
To support the North West London CCG’s Cancer Screening Awareness Campaign, Healthwatch Ealing and Healthwatch Hounslow delivered a joint Cancer Screening Awareness Webinar on Wednesday 18th August 2021 from 6PM – 7.30PM.
The purpose of the webinar was to raise awareness around the importance of cancer screening and to encourage residents to speak to their GP if they notice any unusual changes in their bodies. The webinar provided residents of Ealing, Hounslow and other boroughs with the opportunity to ask any questions that they had about cancer screening or cancer, in general. Members of the public who are over the age of 50 were particularly encouraged to join. In total, 48 members of the public attended the webinar.
The webinar provided information on the signs and symptoms of cancer, an overview of Bowel cancer, Breast cancer, Cervical cancer, and Prostate cancer. The webinar was hosted by Healthwatch Ealing and Hounslow with presentations from Ealing and Hounslow clinicians, a consultant nurse from Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust and speakers from The Mulberry Centre, Prostate Cancer UK, and RM Partners: West London Cancer Alliance. After each presentation, speakers welcomed questions from members of the public.
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