During April and May 2022, the London Borough of Hounslow asked Healthwatch Hounslow to run co-production workshops, to gather insight from residents and stakeholders to inform the design of the new health and wellbeing service.
The aim of this work was to further understand BAME health inequalities in the borough of Hounslow. The findings of this report have led to a series of recommendations made by Healthwatch Hounslow.
A website audit of all the GP surgeries in the London borough of Hounslow was carried out during January 2022. Evaluations were be based on a set criteria assessing how effective Hounslow GP’s websites were in providing the expected information.
One year on from the publication of our Covid-19 Report, we followed up on the recommendations from the reports. During the summer of 2021 we engaged with service providers and commissioners, to establish whether any of our report recommendations have been implemented.
Healthwatch Ealing and Healthwatch Hounslow produced a Health and Care Experience profile about a woman with multiple health conditions, including recent experience of care for a cardiovascular condition.